chinese new yaer is approaching... what do u feel?exciting?anticipating?mouth watehering? o desperating missing the beloved family?
Few days ago, i was like whoooo, quite "high" when studying coz the test was going to end soon(temporarily) and i could hear the yelling of holiday clearer. it was so close. it felt good might be that is because u work so hard so something thus anticipating the reward awaiting was like, ohh, tahan,"chang", it would be bright new days after the Tuseday. is CNY making me my dopamine and endorphine released ?i think going back home and temporarily saying goodbye to the exam pressure were the main reasons.
well, when i was small CNY=new clothes, yummy food,, those are less important. clothes can be bought at any time through out the year so as yummy food. money isnt big deal la, it can be earned. spending quality time with family members is more important. busy all the time, it is the time to sit down with the relatives, family, asking each other how have they been, sharing each other stories...what a harmonny picture^0^